Spike ponders

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Morality vs. Responsibility

Everybody who thinks that only hookers want or need contraception, raise your hands.. What?  No one?  Although the Bible states "Be fruitful and multiply", it does not say "get pregnant every time you have sex.  If the sole purpose of sex is to produce children, what are women past child-bearing age doing it for?  Human-beings were given dominion over non-humans.  We were given brains that allow the development of our thought-processes to a level where we consider the quality of our lives and create the tools to improve that quality not just for ourselves, but for all living creatures.  We are among the few living things who have the ability to breed themselves out of existence.  Knowing all of this, because it is not speculation or a secret, there are individuals who proclaim that controlling population growth is only something proposed and practiced by whores and other sinners.  We know that excessive population creates poverty and all its related human tragedies.  Like other animals, humans are endowed with sexual instincts.  In humans, those instincts serve a purpose beyond propagation of the species.  Sexual interaction is a form of communication between men and women.  Our sexuality is an important component of who we are as individuals.  If it were not, there would have been no need to invent Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.  If it were not, once capability disappeared, there would be no need to continue the activity.  Sometimes the preposterous is entertaining.  Sometimes it is just disgusting and stupid.

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