Spike ponders

Friday, July 29, 2011

Negotiating America's Future

 This post also appears on The Wisdom of Spike blog found at "thewisdomofspike.blogspot.com.  I did it because I believe the message to be ultra-important.  Our elected officials have an obligation to us, but we have an obligation to them, as well.  It is to tell them what we think about the issues of government.  We demand leadership at the consent of the governed, but we have a moral imperative to guide the leadership.

I am a sixty-three year old woman, a partially-disabled registered nurse.  In my life I have cared and provided for my husband, my grandmother, my mother and my father.  They are all dead now.

Less than three years ago I had a career and work that allowed me to pay for my home and living expenses, invest in a 401K, have life and health insurance coverage and a decent car.  It also allowed me to support my family comfortably and plan for the future.  Then the bottom fell out.  I had an accident that caused partial disability which meant I could not keep my great job; my mother developed lung cancer which took two years to kill her; AND the economy completely tanked.

I am only partially employed; my house has been foreclosed and although I am on my fourth attempt to get Wells Fargo to put me in their loan modification program, a sale date has been set for my home; and my younger sister who has severe kidney disease and a back injury, has been forced to come and live with me.  The job I have now pays me less than five hundred dollars a week, but it does give me health insurance.  Come October, I will be covered by Medicare and my company will pay for a supplement.  My sister is on Medicaid Share of Cost and her daughter, my wonderful twenty-five year old niece, has no health coverage of any kind.

All of my adult life I have worked a full-time job and anywhere from one to three part-time jobs.  I have paid taxes and into the social security system.  I have donated  both time and money to charitable works.  I have never complained about having to pay my taxes……..not ever.  Even though money is very tight for us now, I will never abnegate my responsibility.

My political point of view when I was young was very liberal.  As I have aged, I have become more conservative.  Nowadays, I would put myself in the middle of the road and claim a “moderate” position.  Although I have been a registered Democrat for forty-two years, I have always voted my conscience rather than a “party position”.  When the Democrats pulled the stunts they did at the last presidential convention, they lost me.  So, I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican.  Rather, I am an American.  I want America to survive and prosper.  I want the land of opportunity back.  I want all of our citizens to have access to decent employment, effective and efficient health care, and the opportunity to make their dreams come true.

What I cannot understand……..what appalls and disturbs me…..even frightens me….. is this bizarre “reverse Robin Hood” concept where people think it is okay to take from the elderly, poor and disabled, to relieve the tax burden of the ultra-rich and big business.  What planet did that come from?  Because no rational human being would think it is morally okay to do that.

The economic problems we have are not the simple issues of a housewife over-spending her budget.  There are occasions when the math is not obvious.  These are complex equations with global impact and only appropriately educated specialists should deal with them.  With all due respect, unless any of you have a doctorate in economics,  a whole lot of experience and NO political party affiliation, you need to leave this problem-solving to others.

We have serious problems in America, but those problems need to be addressed by rational, intelligent, sensible people.  This cannot be about political parties and it so obviously is.  We have all listened with incredulity to the lies from both sides.  It becomes increasingly apparent that you  think the American public is incredibly naïeve and stupid.  There is an old Madison Avenue principle:   It you say it long enough, often enough, and to enough people, it will be accepted as the truth.  That concept may have worked once, but  the internet  exists and through it anyone can access  an incredible and nearly infinite data base.
The public has the ability to self-educate in a way and to a degree it never had before..  Those of you who think you have hit political pay-dirt and expect to leverage your respective parties into permanent positions of power, need to re-think this.

Please…..listen to me carefully………..Do your jobs.  Use good judgment.  Stop trying to win elections with policy.  Seek out and speak the truth.  Exercise reason and temper your decisions with compassion and understanding.  Stop this madness before you destroy America  with your hubris.

Sharma S. Eldridge RN, Writer, and Senior Citizen
4801 Jefferson Street
Hollywood, FL  33021

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